It is not really uncommon that you purchase the centrifugal clutch, and two to three days of usage later, you are thinking about what has gone wrong with it. If you are not taking great care of the clutch, you’ll ruin it; I am assuming that the majority of individuals who are reading this guide have already got an issue with it, but if you have still got a new clutch, put the good time into maintaining the clutch.

Clutch Stuck To The Crankshaft:

It’s not an uncommon issue; individuals ask all the time about how you can take out the go-kart clutch. It could’ve happened if you had given the key a little tap while installing your clutch.


First of all, you will require oil that can loosen the frozen metals, spray them and let them immerse. The Kano Aerokroil oil is really helpful for this reason. If it is still not coming out, then you are gonna require a three-jaw gear puller for pulling the clutch out, but do remember that if your clutch is stuck really tight, then your puller can be harmful to your clutch.

Oil it numerous times before you go on to the gear puller solution. Before putting on the new clutch, I greatly suggest applying a little anti-seize onto your crankshaft; it’ll make disassembling simpler the next time.

Also Read:

Overheating Of The Clutch:

If the clutch is releasing sparks or is beginning to release smoke, then it is likely because of overheating. Overheating can be caused by various reasons:

  • Lack of oiling/lubrication
  • A lot of weight on your go kart
  • Driving a kart at low speed for a long time
  • Back tires really big for the gear ratio
  • Engine horsepower really high for your clutch


Grease lubrication or oiling is a must-do after some rides; it’ll decrease heat, friction, and wear between the crankshaft and the bushing. If the back tire is really big for your gear ratio, that too will cause too much heat. Ideally, the gear ratio for a thirteen inches tire is 1:6 (Gear ratio=teeth in the clutch sprocket: teeth in axle sprocket); if you desire bigger tires, then you will have to reduce the ratio accordingly.

It may be astonishing, but driving at low speed for really long can also cause too much heating; that’s because the clutch releases heat when completely engaged, cooling itself down.

Centrifugal Clutch Engaging At Idle:

There are some reasons why the clutch is actually engaging at idle:

  • The RPM at which your clutch engages is lower than your engine’s idle RPM.
  • The clutch has suffered heat damage because of maintenance lack.

The well-known Predator 212 has an idle RPM of 1800, so if the clutch engages at an RPM lower than your idle speed, then your mini-bike or the go-kart will take off as soon as you start its engine.

Solution For High Idle RPM Engines:

The solution for it is to either get the brand new clutch with the higher engagement RPM or, the cheaper and better choice is to change the engine’s idle speed; for changing the engine’s idle speed, you will need to locate the idle screw in your engine.

In Predator 212, the black screw can be located just above your carburetor, if you switch it clockwise, the idle will upsurge, and if you turn it counterclockwise, the idle will lower. You can try on diverse idle speeds to locate the one at which your clutch is not engaging.

Solution For The Clutch Stuck Because Of The Heat Damage:

The other cause why your clutch is engaging at idle (and the more common one) is that your clutch has suffered heat damage, and the shoes in the clutch aren’t disengaging. To resolve the overheated clutch issue, you will first have to take the entire clutch apart; for that, you will require a snap ring plier.

Once you’ve got the clutch disassembled, look at the shoes; if you see staining, then the surface has formed the oxide layer, for removing it, take the sandpaper and begin sanding the shoes outer surface. Keep the surface even. Make use of just a bit of grease on the shoes outer surface and the base holding its shoes.

Put the entire clutch back together. Get rid of all the grease from the surface of the shoes outer surface (the component which comes in contact with the drum); it ought not to have any grease on it; otherwise, its surface will slip and cause more heat damage. If it still does not fix the issue, it is time to get the brand new clutch, and this time, keep the bushings correctly oiled.

The Final Word:

There are many issues that you can face that aren’t stated here; you can locate many online forums with a lot of knowledgeable individuals that can assist you.
